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Friday, July 23, 2010

North Dirty River Water is Spoiling Boat Fishing

Chronicle Live, 22 July 2010

ALL of the fresh water coming down the rivers has ruined boat sport. I was out on the boat on Tuesday and the dirty water coming out of the rivers was at least six miles out and possibly further.

Apart from mackerel, sport was very poor. Best fish on the “Sarah JFK” this week was a 16½lb cod taken by Steve Southern.

Shore anglers have had mixed sport this week. There seems to be a few codling around, average 2lb to 3lb from rock edges, such as at Alnmouth, which is where Gary Tully and his father had five fish between them for a total of 16½lb on frozen crab.

Cresswell beach has produced a few codling on lug, as has Lynemouth beach and the Beacons, where there have also been a few mackerel taken.

Blyth, South Shields and Roker piers have produced a few mackerel – not in quantity – on a variety of baits. Mixed in with them have been lots of small codling and, at night, a few decent whiting have been taken from Roker pier.

:: The next leg of the Whitley Bay AS Open Summer League is being fished on Sunday, August 1 from 12noon-4pm at Newton. Meet at Newton car park one hour before the match starts. For further details, call Gary on 07957-949557.

:: Bedlington Station SAC are holding their AGM on Wednesday, August 4 at 7.30pm at the General Havelock Pub, East Sleekburn. All members are asked to attend and new members are welcome. The club holds regular competitions and after each weigh in, competitors are given free soup. For further details, contact Steve on 07888-674873.

:: As part of National Fishing Month, a Crab Fishing Competition is being held at the Glass Centre on the River Wear, Sunderland on Sunday, August 1. Entry is free. There are two categories – six years to 12 years (who must be accompanied by an adult) and 13-16 years. Anglers who are 16 years on the day will not be eligible. Registration is 11am-12pm on the day of the match at the Glass Centre. Fishing is from 12noon-2pm.

All competitors must use a hand line (which will be supplied). No rods, reels or hooks will be allowed. Bait will be supplied, but competitors may bring their own bait and hand lines if they wish. All participants are asked to bring a bucket or other container to put their catches in. These will be released at the end. There are three prizes in each category.

:: There appears to be confusion over the date of the Annual Ian Woods Open Boat Competition.

The match will be fished on Sunday, August 8 and is open to all boats, both private and charter. Entry is £10 all classes. This is a HSF match – one competitor, one prize. Tickets will be on sale in local tackle shops, or from the Royal Quays Marina, North Shields. Tickets will also be on sale from the Royal Quays Marina from 7am on the day. Fishing is 8am-4pm with weigh in 4-5.30 pm at the Royal Quays. Competitors may fish from any port they wish. The two categories are for boats under 20ft

and the other for boats over 20ft. The first three HSF in each of the two categories will receive a percentage of entry monies. There is also a good supporting prize table.

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